Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jen's Food Plan

I've promised several people that I would send them Jen's food plan that she created for me, and it just seems easier to post it here. I'll start with Breakfast, and eventually add everything as I have time.

The Key to the bracketed letters in front of each food is:

(Me/A) = meat or alternatives (ex. beans and legumes)
(F) = Fruit
(G) = Grain
(M) = milk - 1%, skim or low-fat soy


Breakfast #1

(G) Fibre 1 Original Cereal (½ cup)

(G) 1 slice whole wheat toast OR another ½ cup of whole grain cereal (multi-grain Cheerios)

(Me/A) peanut butter (2 tbsp)

(F) - ½ banana

(M) – milk, skim or 1% (1 cup)


Breakfast #2

(G) 1 cup All Bran Flakes

(M) milk, skim or 1% (½ cup)

(F) orange (medium)

(Me?A) – hard boiled egg (1)

Water and/or cup of green tea

Breakfast #3

(Me/A) 1 egg (poached or fried)

(fat) non-hydrogenated argarie (1 tsp) or non-stick cooking spray

(G) 1 whole grain English muffin

(F) ½ grapefruit (sweetened with splenda if needed)

(M) yogurt, no sugar added (¾ cup)


Breakfast #4

(g) All Bran Flakes (½ cup)

(G) Kashi Go Lean (½ cup)

(M) milk, skim or 1% (1 cup)

(F) fresh fruit salad (½ cup)

water and/or herbal tea

Breakfast #5

(Me/A) 1 egg (poached or fried in minimal margarine or use non-stick cooking spray)

(G) 1 whole grain English muffin

(F) ½ grapefruit (sweetened with splenda if needed)

(M) yogurt, no sugar added (¾ cup)


Breakfast #6

(Me/A) – back bacon or ham (1oz)

(G) 2 whole grain waffles

(F) hot unsweetened applesauce (½ cup)

(free extras) – cinnamon (½ tsp)

(M) yogurt, no sugar added (¾ cup)

water and or coffee/tea

Breakfast #7

(G) Miltigrain Cheerios (½ cup)

(G) All Bran Buds (1/3 cup)

(M) cottage cheese, low-fat (1 cup)

(F) Mixed berries, fresh or frozen (1 cup)

water and/or herbal tea

Breakfast #8 Smoothie

(M) yogurt, no sugar added (1/3 cup)

(M) milk, skim or 1% (¾ cup)

(F) mixed berries, fresh or frozen (2/3 cup)

(F) ½ banana

(G) slow cook oats, raw (¼ cup)

(fat) – ground flaxseed (1 – 2 tsp)

water (2tbsp in smoothie)

Breakfast #9

(G) plain rice cakes (2)

(Me/A) peanut butter (2 tbsp)

(F) ½ banana, sliced

(M) milk, skim or 1% (1 cup)

(sweets) honey – (1 – 2 tsp)

water and/or green tea

Breakfast #10: Grab and Go Trail Mix

(G) whole grain cereal, mixed ¾ cup (I.e Shreddies, Vector, All Bran Flakes, Multigrain Cheerios, Fibre 1)

(F) dried cranberries (1/8 cup)

(F) raisins (1/8 cup)

(Me/A) mixed nuts (¼ cup) unsalted

(M)yogurt – no sugar added – indiv. Portion

hot water with lemon wedge

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